The bechamel sauce
Beurre - oeufs - fromages - crèmerie In English Débutant Toutes actions Indifférent
Tuesday 30 June 2009, by
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The Ingredients :
– Milk : 1 L
– Butter : 0,050kg to 0,100kg
– flour : 0,050kg to 0,100kg
Prepare the utensils and the ingredients: the salt, the nutmeg. Beforehand prepare a white roux sauce (a butter and flour mixture) and let it cool. In a separate pan, add the milk and bring it to the boil. Pour the hot milk into the cold white roux sauce a little at a time, and stir delicately. Add the seasoning and grate the nutmeg into the mixture. Place the sauce onto a gentle heat and stir well until it reaches boiling point. Keep cooking the sauce gently for 4 to 5 minutes.
Pour the sauce through the sieve, prior to this you should check the seasoning and then strain the sauce through the sieve, stiring it with a small ladle.
Place the sauce in a double boiler at 63°C or cover it with small pieces of butter and place it in a cold room if not needed immediately.
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