Almond cream (la crème d’amande)
Beurre - oeufs - fromages - crèmerie In English Confirmé Toutes actions Indifférent
Thursday 1 January 2009, by
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Denrées | Unités | Quantités |
Butter | Kg | 0,125 |
Sugar | Kg | 0,125 |
Almond powder | Kg | 0,125 |
Eggs | kg | 0,125 |
Flour | KG | 0,025 |
Rhum | L | 0,025 |
Vanilla extract | Pièce | to taste |
Weigh the ingredients. Soften the butter. When the butter has a creamy consistency, pour the sugar and mix.
Then add the almond powder and whisk well. Add the eggs progressively. The eggs must be at room temperature. Mix in the flour and finally add the rhum and vanilla.
Scrap off the cream. Wrap it in the cling film and keep it in a cold place for further use.
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