How to make « Duxelles » stuffing
Fruits - légumes In English Débutant Toutes actions Indifférent
Monday 28 December 2009, by
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This video shows how to make « Duxelles » stuffing
– cultivated mushrooms 1 kg
– butter 0,100 kg
– onions 0,080 kg
– shallots 0,080 kg
– parsley 0,020 kg
– white wine 0,20 l
– veal brown stock base 0,40 l
with tomato purée
“strongly tomato flavouvered”
– garlic 0,020 kg
– breadcrumbs 0,150 kg
– fine saltto taste
– pepperto taste
First make a basic “dry” Duxelles.
Prepare some white wine, breadcrumbs, minced garlic and veal brown stock with tomato purée.
Deglazed the “dry” Duxelles with white wine then let it reduce.
Once the mixture has evaporated all its liquid (has dried out),
Pour the stock, add the crushed garlic and let it simmer.
After the mixture has reduced, add the breadcrumbs, stir and let it reduce again until obtaining the right consistency.
Adjust the seasoning.
Pour in a dish or in a double-boiler, cover with a cling film and place either in the refrigerating cell or use immediately.
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