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You’ll need English-style vegetables (boiled vegetables), here carrots, a strainer (colander), clarified butter, mousse tins (moulds), the Pacojet machine to make the vegetable purée, the egg, yolk and cream mixture, and the seasoning.
Strain the carrots, pour them directly into the Pacojet bowl without refreshing them, use the cutter tongs to safely attach the sharp rotary cutters on to the magnetic end of the shaft, attach the bowl then start processing. It will take 1 minute and a half.
When the purée has been made, put it back into the saucepan, dry out the purée for 2 to 3 minutes to remove excess water, you can also use a vegetable mill or a sieve to make the purée.
Once the purée has dried out, combine with the egg, yolk and cream mixture, pour the mixture through the conical sieve, stir, taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
Butter the tins (moulds), brushing up turnout wise (invert wise), fill the tins to three quarters, place the tins in a double-boiler.
Don’t forget to line the bottom with a sheet of greaseproof paper, if the water boils it will prevent water bubbles from getting into the mousse; put in the oven at about 150°C to 160°C for 25 to 30 minutes, by means of a fine knife blade unstick the mousse from the edges of the mould then turn out.

How to make a vegetable mousse
Utensils and ingredients for 8 servings. P Lanux

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