Barman - barmaid (M/F)
In English Formations - métiers Confirmé Toutes actions Indifférent
Tuesday 14 February 2012, by ,
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What exactly does my mission involve?
- Greet the customer and help them make their choice
- Help to increase customer loyalty and to attract new customers
- Ensure the supply, set up and service at the bar
- Promote commercial offers and contribute to bar sales
- Organise the bar team
Our employees will share their experience and missions through their testimonies. You can discover the advantages and opportunities of their professions.
More informations
Guide des métiers Accor : Adjoint(e) de direction d’hôtel
Le métier en quelques points ... Seconder le directeur d’hôtel dans l’atteinte des objectifs (...)

Accor professions guide: Deputy General Manager (m/f)
What exactly does my mission involve? Help the General Manager in reaching the sales, (...)

Le métier en quelques points : Être garant du bon déroulement du séjour du client dans l’hôtel (...)

What exactly does my mission involve? Ensure that guests have a smooth running stay at the (...)

Adjoint(e) de direction d’hôtel (H/F)
Le métier en quelques points ... Seconder le directeur d’hôtel dans l’atteinte des objectifs (...)

What exactly does my mission involve? Help the General Manager in reaching the sales, (...)
