51 videos en
DenréesUnitésQuantités Fresh lemon juice Kg 0,150 Sugar Kg 0,150 Butter
30 June 2009
![Logo The lemon cream, by Laurent Nadiras](IMG/jpg/0138.jpg)
This is how you make Mayonnaise. Prepare the utensils and the ingredients : the egg yolks, the (...)
30 June 2009
![Logo The mayonnaise sauce, by Laurent Nadiras](IMG/jpg/0139.jpg)
![Logo Mousseline cream, by Laurent Nadiras](IMG/jpg/0140.jpg)
![Logo The shortbread pastry, by Laurent Nadiras](IMG/jpg/0141.jpg)
Almond cream (la crème d’amande)
DenréesUnitésQuantités Butter Kg 0,125 Sugar Kg 0,125 Almond powder Kg 0,125 Eggs kg 0,125 (...)
1 January 2009
![Logo Almond cream (la crème d'amande)](IMG/jpg/0042.jpg)
![Logo Velouté (GB), par Laurent Nadiras](IMG/jpg/0027.jpg)