Accor professions guide : general manager (M/F)

In English Formations - métiers Toutes actions Indifférent Tous niveaux

Tuesday 5 July 2011, by Pôle images numériques

All translations of this video : [English] [Español] [français]

What exactly does my mission involve?

  • Is the prime "ambassador" for both the hotel and Accor among both the clientele and local institutions
  • Is responsible for the attainment of the hotel’s commercial, managerial and financial targets
  • Manage the operations of the hotel to achieve customer (guests, employees, corporate and owners) satisfaction and quality
  • Lead, encourage and manage the team and help to develop their skills
  • Prepare the hotel budget and action plans required to ensure the establishment’s profitability
  • Build and nurture local networks and Implement any projects launched by the brand